- Part 4


General Information

Description: Boron is an independent disinfectant antifungal, antiparasitic (anti-pedicidal) and antibacterial.

Medicinal forms of boron:

The medicinal form of boron application is diverse:

  • An ointment for external use. Ointments, which include boric acid: boric petrolatum, Teimur’s paste, which is used as an effective remedy for removing odor of sweat; boron-zinc liniment is used for various skin diseases;
  • Powder for external use. This is the salt of boric acid, or borax. Uses for rinses and inhalations of the upper respiratory tract. In some cases, this powder, together with other ingredients, is used to rinse the oral cavity;
  • The solution for external use is prescribed for washing eyes, wounds, rinsing cavities, for lotions or acne. For this purpose, an aqueous solution of 1 to 4%, corresponding to the prescribing physician, is used;
  • Alcohol solution for external use consists of ethyl alcohol and boric acid. It is used in a concentration of 0.5-5% as an antiseptic for burns, like ear drops, with the formation of cracks and dry skin.

In the complex treatment of joint diseases, various biologically active additives (BAA) are widely used, including boron. But most often boron is present in an insoluble form and therefore very poorly absorbed by the body (not more than 10%). In recent years, scientists have artificially synthesized a soluble boron compound – calcium fructoborate, which is a compound of fructose, calcium and boron. This compound completely corresponds to the natural form of boron content in plant foods, and therefore it is absorbed almost completely.


  • Boron is involved in the formation of bone tissue, increasing its strength and preventing the development of osteoporosis;
  • In addition, boron normalizes the metabolism in the tissues of the joint apparatus. Studies have shown that the content of boron in the joint tissues in patients with arthritis is several times less than in healthy people;
  • Boron plays a major role in the regulation of mineral metabolism, in particular phosphorus, magnesium and calcium;
  • Boron promotes the growth of muscle mass of the body.

Toxicological properties and adverse reactions:

Boron-containing drugs are not dangerous for the body, if they are used according to the doctor’s prescriptions. In no case you should take boric acid or drugs with its content orally. Such drugs increase the risk of an intestinal disorder and problems with the respiratory tract.

A lethal dose for an adult when boric acid hits the digestive organs of 15-20 g. The child has a significantly lower dose – 4-5 g.


Since boric acid has no taste, smell and irritating effect, it was considered harmless. But later, for a number of reasons, the application was limited. The fact is that only a small amount of boron in the human body is split. In other cases, the use of a boron-containing drug can lead to serious poisoning. And acute poisoning affects brain cells, mucous membranes and skin.

These nuances of use have excluded boric acid from the number of safe medical devices. Before using any boron-based medications, you should consult a doctor.


Contraindications for using boron-containing drugs: hypersensitivity, renal dysfunction, pregnancy, breast age (up to 1 year). Ointments and other medicines with boron are not prescribed for damage to the skin more than 40%.

Adverse reactions:

In case of an overdose, a person can experience stomatitis and eczema, swelling of the tissues, menstrual irregularity, anemia and convulsions. In such cases, urgent medical care is needed. The danger is that boric acid is slowly excreted from the body, which can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Bovine Colostrum

General Information

Description: Bovine Colostrum, also known as the first milk, is a milk secret produced by cows and other similar animals. The effects of this natural supplement are similar to effects of whey protein supplements, although Bovine Colostrum can produce a unique effect on the immune and digestive systems.


Bovine Colostrum contains the following high-calorie components:

Dietary protein (up to 70-80% of the total protein, compared to 1-2% in milk), the remaining protein in the colostrum contains whey protein and casein protein in a ratio of 3:1. The total protein content is generally more than 11% of the crude product, compared to 4.5% in standard cow’s milk.

Carbohydrates, with a lactose content of 27-46 g / l, are higher than in cow’s milk, and comparable to 55 g / l in human colostrum), with some lactose-based oligosaccharides (neutral and acid), mostly 3- siall lactose (1500 μm / L) and 3-sialyllactose (30 μm / L) (most oligosaccharides (50%) in cow colostrum). The biological significance of these oligosaccharides in relation to additional colostrum is not yet studied.

Immunoglobulins, which are contained in the food protein, are presumably the main biologically active components of Bovine Colostrum. They are present in the colostrum at a dose of 20-150 g / l (depending on the administration of the vaccine and cow’s immune status), which is higher than 0.5-1 g / l in conventional cow’s milk. Without treatment, the content of immunoglobulin (up to 70-80% of the total protein) tends to grow to 70-75%. The highest concentration is IgG1, followed by IgM, IgA, and IgG2.

Physico-chemical characteristics:

Bovine Colostrum is known to have a consistency similar to whey protein in solution, which results in whey concentrate being used as a source of the placebo protein in numerous studies. Compared to cow’s milk, Bovine Colostrum has a much higher nutrient content (27.6%, IV, compared to 12.3% w / w), a significantly higher protein content (14.9% vs. 2.8% ), and fat (6.7% vs. 4.4%). In contrast, it has a lower ash content (0.05% vs. 0.8%) and lactose (2.5% vs. 4.0%).


  • Increasing the resistance of the immune system;
  • Doping;
  • Protein supplement.

Instructions for use:

The standard dose of Bovine Colostrum as a protein supplement is about 20-60 g. This dose contains 2-4 g (10-20%) of immunoglobulin. Colostrum is used in powder form. The dose of colostrum to reduce the risk of E. coli caused by diarrhea should contain 400-3,500 mg of immunoglobulin. Bovine Colostrum should be taken immediately after a meal. Colostrum used to reduce the risk of diseases associated with Escherichia coli should be obtained from a cow (or a similar animal) that would have immunity to Escherichia coli.


  • Bovine Colostrum has the strongest immunoprotective action in people with impaired immunity. contains antibodies (immunoglobulins), leukocytes, and therefore helps protect the body
  • from diseases;
  • Colostrum is a source of immune and “transfer factors”;
  • Colostrum protects against autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • Colostrum is rich in everything necessary for the synthesis of proteins, it is an excellent source of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other substances;
  • Has anti-inflammatory activity;
  • Immune factors of Bovine Colostrum manifest their protective effect in the stomach, on the walls of the intestine and in the bronchi, that is, in places of accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing the production of toxins;
  • Promotes colon colonization with beneficial bacteria and has a mild laxative effect;
  • Has an anabolic effect;
  • Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • Provides antiviral and antibacterial protection;
  • Increases energy resources of the body;
  • Restores tissues, promotes healing of wounds;
  • Improves the effectiveness of physical training;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect and is suitable for people of any age;
  • Removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body, accelerating the aging process causing diseases;
  • Colostrum protects and restores the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.


General Information

Common name: Boneset

Medical Term: Eupatorium Perfoliatum Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) is a plant from the Asteraceae family. Parts used for medicinal purposes: leaves, petals / flowers.


The plant is rich in oils, sesquiterpenes, acids, bitterness, kaempferol, rutin, quercetin, resins, sterol, diterpenes, polysaccharides and gums.


  • lowers the sugar content in the blood;
  • heals malaria;
  • acts as an antipyretic;
  • treats colds, flu, cough, arthritis;
  • has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • causes vomiting.

In the form of a warm infusion, the Boneset is used as a stimulant, antipyretic and diaphoretic remedy for attacks of muscle rheumatism and colds. Widely used in the United States with intermittent fever (malaria). It is considered one of the best means for influenza. Boneset relieves pain in the muscles, lowers the temperature and stimulates immunity. In large doses, it causes vomiting and has a laxative effect. Cold infusion as a soft tonic is used for dyspeptic disorders and general weakness, especially useful for digestive disorders in the elderly.

Instructions for use:

  • colds and secondary infections;
  • influenza; at elevated temperature;
  • arthritis, rheumatism;
  • constipation, flatulence;
  • a general weakening of the body.

Boldo (Peumus boldus)

General Information:

Description: Boldo is an evergreen plant growing in dry places of the Chilean state. It can be a tree or shrub. The maximum height is 6.0 meters. The greatest value in terms of medicinal preparations is its leaves, the sizes of which can reach 5×6 cm.


Boldo plant contains ascaridol, eucalyptol and cymol, various alkaloids (larvae and others), a few flavonoids, essential oils containing eugenol, limonene and cumene are found in large quantities. The bark of the plant contains a large number of tannins.

Pharmacological properties:

  • Boldo and other alkaloids stimulate the formation of gastric juice and bile, enhance the excretion of urine and uric acid, thereby alleviating the condition in diseases of the gallbladder, stomach, intestines, and kidneys and urinary tract. Boldo also has antitussive activity;
  • Thanks to the ascaridol, which is a part of the plant, Boldo is used as a helminthic agent;
  • Boldo also stimulates the secretion of saliva and increases appetite, so the plant is very useful for those people who suffer from anorexia;
  • Boldo tea helps to cope with insomnia and sleep disorders. The essential oils contained in the plant have a calming effect on the nervous system. Boldo decoction reduces anxiety, nervousness and has an easy hypnotic effect.
  • Thanks to a calming and sedative effect, the leaves are very effective for severe headaches. They also relieve tension in muscles due to anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant action.

Uses in natural medicine:

  • Boldo infusions are used in folk medicine for diseases of the intestines, stomach, gall bladder, urinary tract and kidney;
  • Decoction of leaves is used to restore normal kidney function and to improve digestion. It has a slight laxative effect and is ideal for those who suffer from flatulence and intestinal colic. Also, the decoction of the leaves is effective for severe headaches;
  • In Chile, folk healers use Boldo as a helminth drug;
  • Often, Boldo leaves are prescribed as a mild sedative;
  • It is also added to tea as an immunostimulating agent, especially it is recommended for those who suffer from seasonal colds;
  • The plant can eliminate bad breath;
  • Compress of fresh leaves promotes the healing of ligaments during sprains, dislocations, pain in the neck.

Adverse reactions:

The use of Boldo tea in large amounts is unacceptable: it can cause visual and auditory hallucinations, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. When these effects occur, you should either reduce the dose or concentration of the plant used, or to stop using Boldo plant.


The only contraindications are intolerance or overdose of plant substances due to the saturation of the brain with essential oils, which are used as an anesthetic. As soon as the first “signals” of overdose appeared, you should stop using the plant and find alternative options.

Any independent treatment should be short-term – not more than four weeks, and not exceed recommended doses.

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria)

General Information:


Bloodroot (Sanguinaria) is a small herbal plant of the Poppy family. The plant hot its name due to the blood-like juice that appears when the root or base of the stem is damaged (“sangvis – blood”). The native land of the plant is the southern regions of Canada and the east of the United States, where it can be found in the natural environment. It grows in moist shady forests.


The chemical composition of the plant has not been studied properly, but it is known that Canadian Sanguinaria contains benzilizoquinoline alkaloids: chelidic acid, chelerythrine, toxin sanguinarine, tannins. Other substances that are part of the chemical composition of the plant are of no medical interest.


For homeopathic purposes, the plant is used as an antispasmodic. It has astringent, anti-bronchial, antibacterial and antimycotactic effects on the inflamed human body.
Sanguinaria Canadian is often found in medicinal drugs that are intended to treat inflammation in the joints, and is also part of the remedies that relieve:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • headaches;
  • allergic reactions.

Homeopathic preparations of Bloodroot can relieve:

  • vasomotor migraine,
  • menopausal migraine,
  • menstrual migraine,
  • vegetative instability,
  • congestive cephalalgia,
  • neuralgic disorders,
  • hypertrophy of the shell,
  • laryngitis,
  • bronchial catarrh,
  • chronic nasopharyngeal catarrh,
  • vasomotor rhinitis,
  • sweating,
  • cutaneous inflammation,
  • spastic urination,
  • menopause complaints.


The agent has an effect on mucous membranes, primarily on mucous respiratory organs. Vasomotor disorder is expressed in a noticeable reddening of the skin, excessive sweating, blood moves to the head and chest, burning sensation in the extremities.

Therefore, this remedy is prescribed to alleviate the condition with menopausal hot flushes. It is used with a clear influenza cough, with pulmonary tuberculosis.

Other indications for use include:

  • Spontaneous disappearance of the respiratory catarrh with revealed fluid stool;
  • The burning sensation spreads throughout the body;
  • Headaches, reddening of the cheeks.
  • Pain with a change of location.


The plant is toxic – if ingested, it can lead to death! Do not use Bloodroot (Canadian Sanguinaria) without consulting a specialist. The drug is contraindicated to pregnant and lactating women, children, people allergic to the components.

Natural Medicine:

Folk medicine of the tribes of North America uses Bloodroot for the treatment of colds and as an emetic.

Black Cohosh

General Information

Common names: Cimicifuga, Black Snake root, Actaea racemosa, Macrotys

Description: Black Cohosh is a preparation of plant origin. Substances shengmanol and acetylsenschmanol have sedative effect and help to lower blood pressure, increase myocardial contractility, without affecting heart rate.


Useful properties of the grass are constantly being studied, although it has long been famous for its therapeutic effect on human body. North American Indians knew that with the help of Black Cohosh many diseases are treated. The grass contains saponins, flannoids, alkaloids. Astringent properties are explained by presence of tannins.

Phenolcarbonic acids – salicylic, hesperinic and isoferulic – strengthen immunity and increase body’s protective functions.

In Black Cohosh there are pitches, sterols. Essential oil gives the plant sharp unpleasant odor. Vitamin C converts aromatic amino acids, participates in processes of hematopoiesis and formation of extracellular component of connective tissue (collagen). Antimutagenic and diuretic properties of the plant contribute to elimination of tumors and edema.

Active substances


  • phenolic compounds;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • triterpene glycosides (2%: actin, cimicifugoside);
  • isoflavone (with aromatic nucleus – formononetin);
  • gum;
  • acids of aromatic series (isoferulic and salicylic);
  • saponins;
  • essential oil;
  • 15 – 20% cimicifugine (mixture of resins and bitterness);
  • organic acids;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • phytosterol;
  • sucrose;
  • starch;
  • vitamins: carotene;
  • macro- and microelements: iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium.

Aboveground part:

  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids.


In medicine Black Cohosh is used as antihypertensive agent. Thanks to triterpenoids, there is antisclerotic effect on the body. Women’s illnesses are perfectly treated by Black Cohosh: diseases that result from inadequate production of female sex hormones are effectively cured, accompanied by dizziness, palpitation, irritability, increased sweating, insomnia. In addition, effect of menopause on bone system is extinguished, that is, arthritis and osteoporosis are prevented. Drugs with Black Cohosh are used to treat tumors, diabetes, atherosclerosis. There is curative effect on cataracts, cardiovascular diseases.

In China, decoction of grass is taken at measles and various rashes, uterine prolapse, gastro- and enterocolitis, to relieve toothache.

Mongolian healers recommend grass for echinococcus of liver, long-term healing wounds, anthrax and diphtheria.

In Korea, decoction of Black Cohosh treats allergic manifestations on skin. The plant is ornamental, refers to poisonous species. Fresh parts of raw materials have an irritant property, which is what contributes to quality treatment.

In rhizomes saponins are found, they are used in Chinese and Korean medicine as means of antidote. Roots have diaphoretic, antipyretic and analgesic properties. Sufficient content of alkaloids gives roots of the plant hypotensive and ganglion-blocking characteristics. Oriental folk doctors prefer to use root of Black Cohosh in the form of infusions at infectious diseases, severe forms of measles, smallpox, diphtheria, anthrax. Analgesic effect relieves suffering from joint pain.


  • violations of menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • migraines, hysteria and nervous tension;
  • menopause and hot flashes;
  • gynecological surgeries;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • metabolism disorders;
  • high cholesterol;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sinusitis;
  • asthma;
  • rheumatism;
  • depressive states;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • need for rejuvenation of the body;
  • need to increase libido;
  • deterioration of skin, hair, nails;
  • deterioration of teeth;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • prevention of diseases of cardiovascular system.


Black Cohosh is contraindicated in presence of:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombosis;
  • blood stroke;
  • allergies to plants of this group.

Side effects

To date no toxic effects have been recorded from use of this plant even after 6 months of its continuous use. However in some patients the plant can cause:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • sweating;
  • constipation;
  • visual impairment;
  • osteoporosis.

Drug interactions

Black Cohosh enhances effect of antihypertensive drugs, so their combination is undesirable.


The plant is poisonous, self-medication can lead to negative consequences.


1 capsule 2 times a day after a meal. Course of treatment is 4 weeks.


Excessive intake causes faint frontal headaches.


30 capsules in a pack.


Keep out of reach of children at a temperature of 5 – 25 °C.

Bitter Melon

General Information


Bitter Melon or Momordica Charantia is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for various diseases treatment, one of which is diabetes mellitus.

In study course, various powder extracts of fresh and dried whole fruits were prepared and a comparison of their hypoglycemic properties with oral administration in diabetic rats was made. It was found that powder of an aqueous extract of fresh immature fruits at a dosage of 20 mg / kg of body weight reduced fasting blood glucose level by 48%. This effect is comparable with the effect of taking glibenclamide, a known synthetic drug.

Chemical Composition:

Momordica fruit consists of 80% of water. 100 gr of fruit pulp contains only 15-20 kcal. Chemical composition of Bitter Melon includes the following elements:

  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • silicon;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • folic acid;
  • pantothenic acid.

Bitter Melon pericarp contains fatty oil and carotene. Seeds of Momordica contain lycopene, glycoside momordicin and haratin. In roots, triterpene saponins were found.


A complex of biologically active substances and vitamins of Momordica has a variety of therapeutic actions:

  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • antiemetic.

The calcium in plant helps strengthen skeleton and teeth.

According to the latest research conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Colorado (USA), the juice of Bitter Melon is able to destroy pancreatic cancer cells, as it limits ability of pancreatic cancer cells to absorb glucose, i.e. deprives them of the opportunity to receive necessary energy for growth and development. Also during experiments on mice it was found that use of Bitter Melon contributes to normalization of insulin production function.

Bitter Melon can be used for weight loss, as its components accelerate metabolism, in particular, promote fats breakdown.


Bitter Melon is used in treatment of:

  • diabetes;
  • worms.

To treat diabetes, Bitter Melon is used in form of fresh juice. In treatment of worms, an unripe fruit is used. One teaspoon of juice of unripe melon should be taken. Also in the treatment leaves of momordica can be used, brewing them fresh in boiling water. Shredded fruits and leaves can be harvested for winter, because it is during this period of diabetes is exacerbated.

It can be also applied in:

  • cold;
  • stings of insects and snakes;
  • various abscesses;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • bronchitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • nephritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urolithiasis.


Application in Traditional Medicine

Traditionally, the plant is used in oriental medicine, as well as in traditional medicine of indigenous people of South America. Decoction and tincture of Bitter Melon are used as a cold and immunomodulating agent. Introduction to diet of Momordica in diabetes reduces blood sugar. Shredded leaves of Bitter Melon are effective at stings of insects and snakes, they are applied to abscesses, burns and wounds. Raw seeds are used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduce level of “bad” cholesterol, and treat gastrointestinal infections. Bitter Melon root is used to prepare an expectorant for bronchitis. The poisonous juice of Momordica is used externally in treatment of certain skin diseases, arthritis, rheumatism. Some healers use its decoction in nephritis, prostatitis and urolithiasis. In many countries of the world it is considered a natural aphrodisiac.

Contraindications and Side Effects:

The use of Bitter Melon in any form is contraindicated in:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • breast-feeding women.

There is a risk of spontaneous abortion or bleeding. The use of a large number of seeds can lead to poisoning in severe form, lead to fever and coma. For children, the use of seeds is contraindicated, and fresh juice of unfertilized fruit contains dangerous toxins. It is also not recommended to eat fruits of Bitter Melon to people with individual intolerance to its active substances.


Bitter Melon grows in hot and humid lowlands of tropical and subtropical regions. The native land of species is the tropical regions of Southeast Asia. The plant is spread in regions with a warm climate, mainly in China and the Caribbean islands. Bitter Melon is currently cultivated in India, Africa, South America. Some species of Momordica are found on territory of the Crimean Peninsula.


General Information


Several types of beta-glucan-type polysaccharides are known, differing in molecular composition and, accordingly, in degree of activity. The most active substances are extracted from yeast, oat bran, barley and various grain crops, which are used most often in syrups form. The source is also often oats and wheat.

Extraction of component is a rather difficult chemical process. Raw materials require high-temperature conditioning to result in insoluble forms of substance. It is worth noting that particles are significantly different in size.

There is also a soluble form of Beta-Glucan. Both forms are actively used in the cosmetic industry. For example, insoluble part can be added to powder, and soluble – in creams, gels, lotions. Beta-glucan absolutely does not interfere with “work” of other elements of remedy. Moreover, it promotes faster absorption of cosmetics into skin.

Pharmachologic Effect:

Beta glucan is found in mushrooms, food yeast and in fiber of some cereals. Beta glucans are natural polysaccharides, consisting of glucose units. Beta glucan produced from fungi have the best immunomodulatory effects. The main mechanism of action of beta glucan is stimulation of immune system cells (macrophages, T cells, NK cells) by bringing them into an active state. This primary action has a positive effect on the whole organism.


Pregnant and lactating women need medical advice.

Dosing and Administration:

As a dietary supplement for adults, 1-3 tablets a day.

Storage Conditions:

Beta glucan should be stored at room temperature.


General Information:


Betony is a thick and bushy plant, which produces many flowering stems covered in purple red blooms.


Betony herb is not the only type of raw material from the plant, suitable for use in natural medicine. People also use roots and flowers. All medicinal raw materials should be collected in dry weather, preferably in summer.

The composition of the plant is very complicated. It contains flavone glycosides (up to 1.43%), essential oils (0.83%), vitamins C, K, calcium salts, bitter, anthocyanins, choline, alkaloids, resins, tannins, turpentine, betonycin, carotenoids, organic acids. The plant has a high concentration of a special substance – betaine (stachidrine), which has a strong haemostatic property.

Pharmacological properties:

The therapeutic effect of Betony herb has not been studied properly. Meanwhile, the plant has well-pronounced pharmacological properties (anti-inflammatory, wound healing, expectorant, hemostatic, choleretic, diuretic, laxative, soothing, sedative, etc.) and can be used to treat many diseases. For example, a pronounced restorative property may well be used as an auxiliary in the rehabilitation period after severe illnesses. In addition, Betony herb has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in general and digestion. Also, Betony lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation.

In addition, Betony has produces the beneficial effect on catarrhal diseases, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, and sore throat.


Betony preparations were used in ancient times due to its properties – expectorant, sedative, analgesic, choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic. In ancient folk medicine, the Betony flowers were used in the treatment of weak nerves, head seizures and convulsive diseases. In those days, the herb was used for fatigue, increased irritability, heartburn, cough, gout, throat, liver and stomach, breast diseases and many other diseases. Betony root was used as a laxative and emetic.

Many modern herbalists consider Betony a universal healer and widely use it in folk medicine for diseases of the respiratory tract, diseases of the lungs and bronchuses of infectious origin, the organs of the digestive tract, angina, stomatitis, periodontitis, skin diseases, conjunctivitis. Betony decoction is also used for nervous diseases, weakness, reduced appetite, liver, kidney, gastritis, colitis. The aerial part of the medicine is used to improve metabolism, in hysteria, poor blood circulation, pulmonary and uterine bleeding, colds, chronic chronic cough, asthma, especially pulmonary tuberculosis.

Betony tea is recommended for elderly people with a tendency to atherosclerosis, increased pressure, with a decline in strength, etc.

Fresh crushed leaves of Betony are applied to long-lasting non-healing wounds and ulcers. Betony is also used for rheumatism, tumors in the form of lotions and compresses.

In dermatology, the infusion of herb is administered orally with eczema, scleroderma (as a restorative and anti-inflammatory agent) and psoriasis.


Do not take Betony during pregnancy or lactation. In addition, contraindications include:

  • low pressure;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • severe heart disease.

Adverse Reactions:

The plant is poisonous, therefore, if the dosage is exceeded, intoxication can occur with vomiting, dizziness, fainting, hypotension, tachycardia.

Betel Nut

General Information

Description: Betel nut is is the seed of the areca palm (Areca catechu), which grows up to 25 meters. Homeland of betel is Southeast Asia, but the tree also cultivated in many other areas of the globe.

Betel nut has been used for 7000-9000 years and is one of the oldest psychoactive substances used by man. The use of betel nut is part of the culture in Southeast Asia and has a long history. It is used for mental and physical stimulation, and also for suppressing feelings of hunger. The number of consumers in the world is about 500 million, and is one of the most common psychoactive substances on the planet.


The nut contains various alkaloids: arecoline (as the main active ingredient), arecaine, arecaidine, guwakoline, tannins, resins, carbohydrates, proteins and minerals.


Betel nut increases salivation, used as a diuretic and laxative. In addition, it suppresses hunger and fights against parasites in the digestive tract. Betel nut is a stimulant and euphoriant. Active substances are absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth. As a result of chewing nuts, teeth are painted red.


Excessive consumption of Betel nut can cause stomach discomfort and nausea. It is also suspected that betel can cause cancer.

A high betel dose is 4 grams. 8-10 grams can have serious health consequences, up to a lethal outcome.