- Part 2


General Information


Chromium helps body use insulin – a hormone that takes part in transfer of glucose to cells, where it is used as energy source. With enough Chromium, body can effectively use insulin and maintain a normal blood sugar level. The element helps body break down proteins and fats.

Chromium can eliminate headache, irritability and other symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), maintaining normal sugar levels and preventing it from falling below normal. In diabetic patients, element helps control blood sugar levels. The biggest controversy is caused by advertising claims that substance promotes weight loss and build-up of muscle mass. Objective data on this issue are contradictory. In the best case, the use of chromium can somewhat accelerate decrease in body weight in combination with proper diet and exercise.


Chromium is devoted to the following aspects:

  • to improve cleavage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • to maintain normal blood glucose levels;
  • to correct lipid profile (can lower blood levels of low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides);
  • as an adjuvant at losing weight;
  • for prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • to protect against Parkinson’s disease and depression.

Side Effects and Contraindications:

Trivalent Chromium in recommended doses practically does not cause side reactions, hexavalent chromium can be toxic. The most common side effects are:

  • discomfort in stomach;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

Chromium instructions for use determine a harmful effect on heart, kidneys and liver in the case when used in increased dosage.

Some Chromium supplements contain yeast, vital activity of which can interfere with action of a number of medications prescribed to patient. Additives containing chromium can enhance effect of drugs used to treat diabetes, for example, insulin; so people with diabetes should take such supplements only on advice and under the supervision of their doctor. Additives of Chromium are not suitable for use by pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from epilepsy.


Patients with diabetes should consult a doctor about possibility of taking chromium. You may need to adjust dosage of insulin and other antidiabetic medications. Doses of some drugs used to treat depression or Parkinson’s disease should be changed. If you are sick, consult your doctor before using these supplements.


General Information


Chondroitin is a complex substance, a polysaccharide belonging to the class of glycosaminoglycans (they are also called proteoglycans). Just like glucosamine, chondroitin has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, restorative effect on joints, ligaments and spine. Chondroitin serves as a catalyst for processes in cartilaginous tissue, improves sulfur absorption, thereby improving joints recovery and regeneration. It also has a healing effect on skin, epidermis, improves blood supply of joints, stimulates secretion of hyaluronic acid, thereby seriously strengthening connective tissue.


Given Chondroitin properties, this drug is indispensable in treatment of any problems associated with damage or joints inflammation, cartilage tissue or ligaments. It can serve as a preventive means for joints protection during active physical exercises or sports associated with high stress on joints (weightlifting, powerlifting, etc.) Also Chondroitin is actively used in cosmetology in creams and preparations created to improve and restore skin, its youth and elasticity.


Given complex molecular structure of the substance, Chondroitin initially was only possible to be used intravenously only, because it decomposed in gastrointestinal tract. However, over time, special technologies were developed that sharply reduced molecular structure of Chondroitin, which allowed it to be almost completely absorbed even by oral intake.

Clinical trials have shown that after two weeks of taking the drug, a stable positive effect of joint repair is observed, and their flexibility improves. After a month – there is a significant positive effect, reduces puffiness, pain decreases.

Another positive feature of chondroitin is the absorption of fat molecules when ingested and slowing down fats absorption. It gives a certain weight loss effect, which enhances effect of various diets for weight loss.


The only contraindication to taking drug is thrombophlebitis and blood clotting disorders. Similarly, considering this Chondroitin is obtained from seafood, allergic reactions in humans predisposed to it can be observed. In the rest, Chondroitin is absolutely harmless and safe. However, one should take into account that serious results and a stable effect for joints and ligaments can be obtained only with prolonged use within 2-3 months.

Chondroitin Features:

A unique property of Chondroitin is that it is capable of retaining water in joint and cartilage tissues, thereby increasing their elasticity. All athletes are familiar with the characteristic crepitus in joints – a sign of a lack of water in joint capsules. Liquid serves as a kind of “bedding”, shock absorber for physical exertion and especially – impacts, when the joints experience contact with each other and can be damaged. Increased fluid level in joints ultimately prevents them from overloading and helps strengthen ligaments.

Another property of Chondroitin is absorption of enzymes that adversely affect joints and ligaments. These enzymes are produced by destruction of a class of substances called chondrocytes, and are cause of weakening and destruction of cartilaginous tissue.

Regular use of Chondroitin containing drugs can replace non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Reduction of pain, increased flexibility and elasticity of joints and ligaments – all these normalizes person’s life as a whole, increasing his vitality and mood. In fact, all medicines in one way or another intended for treatment of joints, spine, ligaments, mechanical muscle damage contain Chondroitin in one form or another.


General Information


Chitosan is a powerful sorbent of natural origin, sorbent base of which is chitine. Chitine is a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide chemically bonded to cellulose, which forms a pink translucent substance and is the main constituent of outer skeleton or outer cover of insects, crustaceans and arachnids. In its natural state, it is found not only in shells of crustaceans, such as crabs, shrimps and lobsters, but also in outer skeleton of marine zooplankton, including corals and jellyfish. Such insects as butterflies and ladybugs contain chitine in their wings. The cell walls of yeast, fungi also contain this natural substance.


  • Reducing cardiovascular diseases risk;
  • Body detoxification;
  • Normalization of gastrointestinal tract;
  • Prevention of diabetes mellitus;
  • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Wound healing;
  • Gallstone disease;
  • Disbacteriosis;
  • Atony of intestine;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Gout;
  • Hypertension;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Ischemic heart disease.


Studies have shown that prolonged intake of Chitosan in large doses can lead to impaired absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. To assimilate four fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K, fats are required. Additives with Chitosan can also increase risk of calcium, magnesium and selenium deficiency.

The inadequacy of these nutrients can lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis in adults, as well as growth retardation in children. The following two recommendations will allow consumers to avoid such consequences:

  • Every day, take vitamins containing fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and minerals: calcium, selenium and magnesium. The time of reception should not coincide with the intake of Chitosan.
  • Do not give Chitosan to children. Do not use Chitosan during pregnancy and lactation.

Chinese Cucumber

General Information

Common name: Chinese Cucumber

Scientific term: Not specified


Chinese Cucumber contains choline, vitamins K, C, B9, A, mineral substances in a greater quantity: aluminum, fluorine, copper, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium.

Beneficial features:

Action of Chinese cucumbers is very similar to a watermelon. First of all, fresh uncooked vegetables have purifying properties. Include the vegetable in your diet for weight loss. The product has a low calorie content, so you will not gain weight.

When a Chinese cucumber is useful:

  1. Pregnancy. At this time, thirst is very frequent, it can be perfectly satisfied with the juice of Chinese cucumbers. It delays the fluid in the body and does not allow violation of the water-salt balance preventing the development of anemia and viral diseases;
  2. Intoxication. It can arise not only from the use of something that is overdue or unsuitable for food, but also as a result of the activity of viruses. Chinese cucumber gently cleanses blood of poisonous substances and saturates cells with oxygen;
  3. Digestion. Since Chinese cucumbers contains a lot of vegetable fiber, they eliminate slagging and neutralize toxins, improve peristalsis, promote regeneration of mucous membranes. The product binds slags and feces, taking them out;
  4. Cardiovascular system. The benefits are explained by the high content of potassium, copper and magnesium. Due to this, the product has a beneficial effect on blood flow, strengthens the walls of the veins and normalizes blood pressure. It is especially important for edema caused by coronary heart disease and arrhythmia;
  5. Diabetes mellitus. Chinese cucumber contains very few carbohydrates and sugars, so it does not raise the level of glucose in the blood. It can be eaten every day, but in moderation. This applies to people with both types of the disease;
  6. Thyroid gland. To maintain health at a high level, a person needs iodine contained in Chinese cucumbers. It prevents hypothyroidism and other pathologies. In case of problems with this organ, apathy, nausea, frequent dizziness, anemia and even vomiting may appear;
  7. Immunity. Chinese cucumber strengthens immunity due to ascorbic acid in its composition. Lack of ascorbic acid reduces the body’s resistance to infections and viruses. It is especially dangerous in winter and in the period of large-scale epidemics. It is also important that this vitamin is necessary for the normal iron digestion, which is responsible for the level of hemoglobin. When it decreases, the head may become dizzy, a person suffer from nausea, disturbing lethargy and insomnia.

Contraindications and Adverse Reactions:

Chinese Cucumber is the only vegetable that can be safely introduced into your diet. But do not abuse this vegetable, because it contains a lot of water. If it is poorly excreted from the body, stagnant phenomena can occur. This leads to swelling of the ankles, legs, face, hands. As a result, the kidneys and bladder suffer from excessive load and can not cope with such a volume of fluid.

You should not eat a Chinese cucumber if you have the following conditions:

  • Colitis. In this case, there is a risk of rectum inflammation. The damaged mucosa can not be restored. You should be especially cautious with exacerbation of the disease;
  • Gastritis. Do not abuse the product if you have increased gastric acidity. Otherwise, its level can grow even more and provoke an ulcer;
  • Nephritis. With this disease, urine already has an alkaline reaction, and cucumber only strengthens it. This can lead to kidney failure or inflammation. In this case, it is not recommended eating the vegetable with salt;
  • Renal failure. This is a very dangerous disease, in which it is not allowed to eat both salted and fresh cucumbers. They put too much strain on the kidneys, and they can not function as a “filter”;
  • Biliary dyskinesia. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to consume foods with abundant salt content. If you ignore this warning, stasis of bile may occur.


Spring cucumbers can contain a large amount of harmful nitrates! To reduce the likelihood of harm to health, spring cucumbers must be peeled, since the skin has the maximum amount of harmful substances. You also need to cut off the tips by two centimeters on both sides of the cucumber. So be careful and remember that cucumbers can carry not only good, but also harm.


General Information

Common name: Common chicory, chicory

Scientific term: Cichorium intybus

Description: Chicory is a perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion family Asteraceae, which is often used a substitute for coffee since it has no caffeine and has a smooth roasted flavor.

Composition: Chicory contains insulin polysaccharide (9-11%), protein substances, thiamine,
riboflavin or vitamin B2, ascorbic acid, carotene.


Chicory normalizes the metabolism in the body, removes all toxins from the body, cleanses the kidneys, helps improve the condition of diabetic patients. In addition, it is used to improve blood composition. Chicory excites appetite, improves the activity of the intestines, and is also an excellent remedy for heartburn. Chicory increases the overall tone of the body, it is used instead of coffee beans. Chicory cleanses the vessels and relieves fatigue.

Chicory has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used as an antipyretic agent for colds and other diseases.

Chicory is widely used to treat many diseases. It has a high content of various trace elements, which have immunostimulating properties. In addition, regular use of chicory prevents the growth of pathogens and enhances metabolism in the human body. Due to its unique chemical composition, this plant can boast of choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, mild calming and wound-healing effect.

Chicory reduces blood glucose levels, normalizes the function of the pancreas, and also enhances cardiac activity. Quite often, chicory is used as an antimicrobial and astringent. Along with this, it is endowed with anti-inflammatory, soothing, antipyretic and vasodilating properties. This is the best drink for diabetics, since chicory can replace both sugar and starch. Chicory in most cases is indicated in many gastrointestinal problems. It also has a general strengthening effect on the human immune mechanisms. This plant heals wounds and eczema, and also has a weak antitumor effect.


Unfortunately, some people can not take Chicory. These are people with chronic diseases or impaired functions of the body. A soluble drink from chicory can not be consumed with the following diseases:

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • vascular disease;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • violation of the heart, heart muscle;
  • disruption of the gallbladder.

If you notice that your palpitations become more frequent, you feel weak, dizzy or nauseous after using chicory, consult a doctor and exclude this drink from your diet –
probably, you have contraindications to its use. But negative effects of chicory on the human body are practically unknown.


General Information

Common name: Chickweed

Scientific term: Stellaria media

Description: Chickweed is a cool-season annual plant naturalized in many parts of North America. It is used as a cooling herbal remedy,

The green part of the plant contains a lot of ascorbic acid and carotene. Thanks to these useful properties, the herb is eaten fresh in salads, vinaigrettes, instead of spinach.

Chickweed is used in soups, as a garnish, in drinks.

Chickweed is full of vitamins and minerals: vitamins – A, E, and C; minerals – copper, iron, fluorine, calcium, bromine.

A distinctive feature of the herb is the presence of vitamin E. The content of vitamin C is 1,5 times more than in lemon. If you add only 20-25 grams of Chickweed in the dish, you will get the daily dose of carotene.

Useful properties:

  • hemostatic effect;
  • relieves heart pains;
  • tones up;
  • helps with various inflammations;
  • used as a choleretic agent;
  • useful for the thyroid gland;
  • dissolves cholesterol;
  • reduces high blood pressure;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • cleanses the intestines;
  • restores vision;
  • removes inflammation of the joints.


  • Chickweed has long been used in folk medicine. Chickweed juice helps with kidney or liver disease, hemorrhoids and even thyroid disease. The plant rejuvenates the body, purifies blood vessels and improves blood. Also, vitamin E removes all harmful substances from the body;
  • Chickweed is used not only in the form of juice, but also in fresh form, in the form of broths and infusions of leaves, stems and flowers. For example, Chickweed infusion helps cure eye diseases and infusion stomach ulcers, colitis, coughs, diseases of heart, kidneys and lungs;
  • Chickweed helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the human body;
  • Chickweed infusion is used externally – in the form of baths with rashes on the skin, suppurating wounds, ulcers and scrofula. It is also used as a remedy for aches, rheumatism and symptoms of sciatica;
  • Chickweed infusion for eyes. Take 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Leave it for an hour, the broth should not be touched or shaken. Filter the ready infusion and put 1-2 drops in the diseased eye no more than four times a day;
  • Chickweed tincture is used with pain in the stomach and intestines. To make this tincture, you need to take 1 tablespoon of the plant and pour 300 ml of pure vodka. Place it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take the tincture before meals, previously diluted. To do this, take 20 drops of tincture, dilute them with a glass of water and take it in such a diluted form;
  • Chickweed juice for lactation. Take 1 teaspoon of the juice and mix it with the same amount of honey. Take this medicine three times a day before eating;
  • Chickweed decoction in myoma, erosion and cyst. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs and fill them with 500 ml of boiling water. Pour the mixture into enameled dishes and put it on a water bath for half an hour. Take the drug 50 ml 4 times a day before meals. This decoction will eliminate dizziness, weakness and anemia;
  • Chickweed lotion for skin diseases. Take the ready-made decoction and apply on the problem skin area several times a day;
  • Fresh Chickweed with a tumor of mammary glands. To do this, take fresh plant and make a compress, which should be applied to the sick chest. Keep the compress on the chest for 20 minutes. Such procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day;
  • Chickweed infusion strengthens the nerves. The recipe for the preparation of the infusion is described above. Ready infusion should be taken 4 times a day. One-time reception – 50 ml.


Chickweed can lower blood pressure, therefore, people with hypotension should not use such preparations.

Adverse Reactions:

Chickweed has no serious side effects.

Chaste Tree

General Information

Common name: Vitex, chaste tree, chasteberry, Abraham’s balm, lilac chastetree, monk’s pepper

Scientific term: Vitex agnus-castus,

Description: Chaste Tree is a genus of tropical and sub-tropical flowering plant of the Mediterranean region. It’s a cross-pollinating plant


  • All parts of the plant contain iridoids (aukubin, agnoside), flavonoids (cysticin, isovitinexine, orientine, isoeryentin), alkaloids, tannins, vitamins, microelements, essential oil;
  • Leaves contain ascorbic acid (up to 0.12%), glycoside agnuside, essential oil (up to 0.5%), iridoids, flavonoids;
  • Seeds contain iridoids, flavonoidectacin, fatty oil (about 10%);
  • Fruits contain organic acids (about 1.3%) (formic, acetic, propionic, oily, valeric, caproic), essential oil (0.63%), alkaloids (0.42%), vitamins, tannins (3.43 %), coumarins (0.44%), flavonoids;
  • Essential oil from fruits contains pinene, cineole, sabinene, palmitic acid and other components, α- and β-pinenes (40%), cineole (up to 25%), sabinene, palmitic acid, quinone, limonene (1.5%), n-cymol, linimol, camphor, bornilacetate;
  • Fatty oil from fruits contains formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, caproic acids.

Pharmachologic effects:

Chaste tree has a predominantly hormone-like activity. It affects the function of the yellow body (the gland that regulates the menstrual cycle), suppresses the separation of milk from animals and reduces the level of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk formation. This action is mediated by the effect of dopamine, which inhibits the secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Chaste tree has anti-inflammatory, estrogen-like action, antimicrobial, antifungal and sedative effects.

Uses in medicine:

Fruits, seeds and leaves are used for malaria, chronic diseases of the liver and spleen, female diseases. Alcoholic tincture from mature fruit is also used for various diseases accompanied by a depressed mood, with spermatothorrhoea and sexual impotence (impotence). Alcohol solution of a dry extract is prescribed at the termination of breastfeeding.

In folk medicine, fruits, seeds and leaves are used for malaria, chronic diseases of the liver and spleen. Broth of branches and fruits heal gonorrhea. Infusion of flowers is used for baths for skin diseases in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Vitex-based drugs are used in folk medicine for various gynecological problems – premenstrual syndrome with water retention, menstruation or lack of menstruation, anovulatory cycles, cycle disorders after contraceptive use, some forms of infertility, chest pain.

Indications for use:

Menstrual cycle disorders associated with a deficiency of the yellow body, premenstrual syndrome, mastodynia (mastalgia).



Side effects:

Psychomotor agitation, confusion, hallucinations, skin allergic reactions.


When combined with antagonists of dopamine receptors, there is a mutual decrease in the effect.

Traditional medicine:

  • Fresh juice of a flowering plant is used in homeopathy, mainly with impotence, depression, nervous diseases, cessation of breast-feeding;
  • Broth of branches and fruits – in gonorrhea; in Italy – as a contraceptive, flowers in Central Asia and the Caucasus – with various skin diseases;
  • Chaste tree tincture increases the function of the gonads. Infusion of flowers and leaves has a lactogenic effect and has antibacterial activity;
  • In folk medicine, decoction and infusion of fruits, leaves and bark have long been used for liver diseases, spleen, infertility, mastopathy, fibroids in women, impotence in men, malaria.


General Information


In medicine, the oak bark is appreciated and used, thanks to presence of a large amount of tannin in it – catechine. Chaparral is used mainly as an external remedy, but it is also used for douching, enemas, sometimes oral, in the form of infusions, decoctions, tea.


Chaparral bark and leaves have astringent, anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, calming, haemostatic effects. Chaparral is applied for the following disorders treatment:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • arthritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • common cold;
  • kidney disorders;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • genitourinary disorders;
  • enuresis;
  • dental disorders (bad breath, stomatitis);
  • eczema;
  • menstrual pain;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • cervicitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • vaginitis;
  • acne.


Do not overdose when using infusions or decoctions made from Chaparral, as it can cause vomiting. Ingestion of substances from Chaparral is strictly forbidden to children. With frequent and prolonged rinsing of mouth with a decoction or infusion, a temporary decrease in smell can be observed.


General Information

Common name: Centaury

Scientific term: Centaurea

Description: Centaury is a species of flowering plant in the gentian family that is used for numerous medicinal purposes.


Although Centaury is part of the official pharmacopeia, its chemical composition has not yet been studied properly. It is known that the stems and flowers of this plant contain:

  • pigment and cyanogenic glycosides;
  • anthocyanins, which have a strong antioxidant effect;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil, which has a high biological activity;
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, rutin, etc.);
  • microelements (selenium, manganese, zinc, iron).

Due to the complex of these ingredients, Centaury has very strong anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic and diuretic properties. However, improper use of this plant can harm: cyanogenic glycosides belong to toxic substances, besides they can accumulate in the body, therefore the internal use of Centaury has certain contraindications and limitations.

Healing properties:

The medicinal properties of Centaury has been known since ancient times. It was used as a diuretic, then it was found useful in the treatment of colds, fevers, liver diseases. Official medicine recommends Centaury flowers as an additional treatment for:

  • edema of various origin,
  • cholecystitis and other liver diseases.

Centaury can be used independently or as part of herbal therapy. In addition, Centaury lotions alleviate the symptoms:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • hemeralopia;
  • the syndrome of “tired eyes”;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Traditional medicine notes the useful properties of Centaury for:

  • treatment of intestinal disorders and chronic constipation;
  • normal blood sugar;
  • better cardiac activity;
  • harmonious neuropsychological state.

Centaury drugs are taken for colds, malaria and even pulmonary tuberculosis.

Benefits of a fresh plant:

Fresh Centaury flowers are applied to wounds and bruises. Centaury powder is applied to warts and fixed with a bandage, which is changed at least once a day. The period of wart disappearance may last up to three weeks.


Most often Centaury infusion is cooked for an hour (in a thermos) – a tablespoon of dry flower and a glass of boiling water. You can also keep the infusion for 15 minutes in a water bath. A tablespoon of the infusion is taken before meals three times a day for such diseases as:

  • urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, nephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • intestinal infections;
  • lever problems.

This infusion is applied externally for:

  • lotions and eye-baths with redness and fatigue of the eyes, barley, conjunctivitis;
  • rinses, neurodermatitis, furunculosis, non-healing wounds, eczema and other skin diseases;
  • cosmetic purposes with acne and seborrhea.

With oily skin of the face, you can cook a useful and effective lotion by adding a tablespoon of vodka to the glass of broth.

Alcohol tincture:

To prepare an alcohol tincture, dry flowers are poured with vodka in the proportion of 1 to 10. It is necessary to seep the tincture in the dark place for two weeks. Tincture is taken three times a day, diluting 30 drops in water. It is used for:

  • problems with the liver and gallbladder;
  • nervous overexcitation.

A teaspoon of tincture is used to rinse with toothache.


Like many medicinal plants, Centaury can do harm when used improperly.

For external use, there are no contraindications (with the exception of possible allergic reactions).

The main contraindications for ingestion are associated with childhood, pregnancy and a tendency to uterine bleeding.

The high concentration of cyanides in Centaury and their tendency to accumulate in the body can be harmful with prolonged use. Therefore, the course of internal treatment should not exceed a week – this is enough to eliminate acute symptoms.

Capsicum Pepper

General Information

Common names: Bitter pepper, Chilli pepper

Description: Capsicum pepper – burning aromatic spice. It is the fruit of tropical shrub of a certain variety – Capsicum frutescens or C. annuum. The pods are dried and then ground into a powder. There are also other names for this product – bitter pepper or chili (chilli pepper – red pepper).



  • A;
  • Beta-carotene;
  • C;
  • B1 thiamine;
  • Riboflavin B2;
  • B3 (niacin);
  • B6 pyridoxine;
  • B9;
  • PP;
  • E;
  • K;
  • Choline.

Macro and trace elements:

  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Sodium;
  • Copper;
  • Iron;
  • Selenium;
  • Zinc;
  • Manganese.

Capsicum pepper benefits

Capsicum pepper fruits contain a large number of oils (ethereal, fatty), wax, colorants, vitamins P, B1, B2, C.

Fruits of  Capsicum pepper contain burning capsaicin, and its content is 20 times higher than amount of capsaicin in sweet pepper. When you touch the skin, you may even get a burn. Traditionally, Europeans use hot peppers to a lesser extent than residents of tropics.

Hot pepper is a good way to stimulate appetite. For this purpose, it is most appropriate to use alcoholic tincture of  Capsicum pepper. It should be taken 10 – 15 drops before meals. But there is one “but”: this tincture should be used only for those who have healthy esophagus, stomach, kidneys and normal heart activity.

Capsicum pepper is indispensable means for those who suffer from intestinal disorders, since it has sufficiently high bactericidal effect. Capsicum pepper is used locally and at myositis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, gout, catarrh of upper respiratory tract in the form of rubbing tincture or ointment that you can cook yourself.


There is a number of diseases in which properties of Capsicum pepper significantly help to fight symptoms and disease itself:

  • High blood pressure. As is known, with increased blood pressure it is necessary to expand vessels and normalize work of heart. This vegetable has just such properties – chili pepper contains a lot of antioxidants and macromolecules that favorably affect the body and, in particular, circulatory system. After 4 – 5 days of including Capsicum pepper into your diet, you will notice significant improvement in general condition and decrease in pressure.
  • Cancer diseases. It has been observed that people who consume a lot of chili pepper have 90% fewer oncological problems. Direct dependence has not been scientifically proven yet, since studies on properties of the vegetable are being carried out, but statistics indicate its medicinal properties.
  • Burning of Capsicum pepper is useful at infectious diseases. More than 80% of bacteria die when interacting with the juice, so it is used for infectious angina, gastric and intestinal disorders, drink with poisoning.
  • Common restorative effect. In people who often eat chili pepper, immunity is much higher, in particular due to vitamins and constant disinfection of intestinal tract.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of pepper for:

  • poor appetite and digestion;
  • improving metabolic processes;
  • increasing mental and physical performance;
  • inflammatory diseases (arthritis, myositis, sciatica, radiculitis);
  • neuralgia;
  • myositis;
  • frostbite;
  • colds.


Useful Capsicum pepper can be harmful to some patients. So, contraindications to use of Capsicum pepper are:

  • peptic ulcer disease of duodenum and stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • acute or chronic diseases of liver;
  • acute or chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute or chronic diseases of kidneys;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • individual intolerance;
  • skin injuries;
  • dermatitis.



Using Capsicum pepper for medicinal purposes, you should be careful with dosage, because there may be redness of skin, burns, do not allow pepper into the eyes. Capsaicin can irritate skin, as well as tender mucous membranes. Just one milligram of capsaicin on the skin can cause severe burn, degree of which can be compared to a burn from burning iron.


Taking large doses of Capsicum pepper causes irritation of stomach and intestinal mucosa.