Weight gain occurs is due to the accumulation of fat in the body. The most common reason for this is overeating, especially if physical activity is reduced. The excessive supply of energy from food is always stored in the form of fats.
Causes of excess weight:
- Genetics. Genes determine how the body balances calories and energy. Children of obese parents tend to overweight. A family history of obesity increases the chances of becoming obese by 25-30%. Heredity does not predetermine obesity. But genes can make you more susceptible to weight gain;
- Sex. Men eat more than women without gaining weight. The thing is that men have more muscle and less fat than women do. Muscles use more energy than fat. Men burn 10-20% more calories during rest than women;
- Age. With age, the amount of muscle decreases, and fat takes a higher percentage of your weight. The metabolism slows down. These changes reduce your calorie needs, adding extra kilograms after the age of 35;
- Smoking. Smoking men and women usually weigh 2.5 to 4.5 kg less than non-smokers. After cessation, weight usually increases to the level of non-smokers. This is partly due to the ability of nicotine to increase the metabolic rate. When a smoker quits smoking, he burns fewer calories. However, the main reason is that former smokers start to eat more;
- Physical passivity. Obese people are usually less physically active than people with normal weight. But inactivity is not always the cause of obesity;
- A diet high in fat. Fat contains twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates (9 calories vs. 4). This energy difference can explain why fat increases the weight. Even with the same number of calories, a person who has a diet high in fat stores more calories in the body than a person who has a low-fat diet;
- Medical problems. The cause of less than 5% of cases of obesity is a metabolic disorder or hormonal imbalance.
- Loss of visible waist;
- Difficulty walking;
- Slow movements;
- Heavy breathing;
- Depression;
- Drowsiness.
For an accurate diagnosis, consult a doctor.
Possible Consequences:
- Heart diseases (heart attack, heart failure, ischemia);
- Diseases of the lungs;
- Diseases of the liver;
- Diabetes;
- Arthritis, dysplasia, discopathy;
- With possible surgical interventions, the risk of postoperative complications increases;
- Risk of developing oncological diseases;
- Weakening of immunity;
- Constipation, excessive gas formation;
- Pancreatitis;
- Skin problems (dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea);
- Mental irritability;
- Reduction in physical activity.
Strict weight control not only significantly reduces the risk of these problems, but also positively affects the quality and longevity of life.
- Do not overeat. Adhere to the norms recommended by your doctor;
- Choose the best diet;
- Regular moderate loads will help you lose weight and improve your condition;
- Regularly weigh yourself and watch for a change in your weight.
Posted by RxMed