General Information
Description: Bupleurum is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. Preparations based on Bupleurum have choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipyretic, analgesic, wound-healing, capillary-strengthening and antitumor effect.
Medicinal forms:
For medicinal purposes, the entire aboveground part is used, the roots are used less often. People make infusions and decoctions, used for neuroses, gastrointestinal diseases and hepatitis. Bupleurum flowers are used in diseases of the heart, roots – with intoxication, inflammatory processes, and fruits are used as an antipyretic and anthelmintic agent.
The chemical composition of Bupleurum has been poorly studied. The leaves contain saponins (up to 13%), ascorbic acid and phytosterols; leaves, stems and roots – alkaloids; flowers – ascorbic acid, carotene and phytosterols. The composition of Bupleurum also includes flavonoids (rutin, isokvercetin, quercetin and rutinoside).
- Reduces the temperature in colds;
- Eliminates atonic constipation;
- Has a positive effect on liver function in hepatitis, pancreas – in pancreatitis and gall bladder – in cholecystitis;
- Increases the tone of small vessels, eliminates headache with hypotension and hypotension. Has analgesic effect for migraine and psychogenic headache;
- It is used for antiseptic treatment of purulent abscesses and wounds;
- Strengthens the nervous system.
- Сirrhosis of the liver;
- hepatitis (viral or toxic),
- cholecystitis,
- cholangitis,
- biliary dyskinesia,
- influenza,
- fever,
- pneumonia,
- tuberculosis,
- hypertension,
- cystitis,
- nephritis,
- headache,
- neurosis,
- impotence,
- epilepsy,
- radiation sickness,
- rheumatism,
- constipation,
- purulent wounds,
- furunculosis.
For preventive purposes, Bupleurum is useful in teas and decoctions, they have a restorative and tonic effect.
Bupleurum increases the acidity of gastric juice and produces a tonic effect on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, strict contraindications for use include:
- colitis of any part of the intestine;
- gastritis;
- reflux of bile in the stomach;
- peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
- anal fissures, hemorrhoids;
- cirrhosis and necrosis of the liver, pyelonephritis in the severe stage, hepatic or renal insufficiency;
- ischemic heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmia;
- thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism;
- vegetative vascular dystonia (it can only be used under the supervision of a doctor);
- pregnancy and lactation;
- age over 75;
- suffered heart attack, stroke, paralysis, paresis;
- diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis and other endocrine diseases and obesity caused by these diseases.
Before using Bupleurum, consult a physician. The doctor will help you determine whether you have any contraindications.
Posted by RxMed