
General Information

Common name: Bugleweed, Buglewort, Ground pine, Carpet bugle, Bugle

Scientific Term: Lycopus Virginicus, Ajuga, Virginia Bugleweed

Description: Bugleweed is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant that belongs to the family Lamiaceae, with most species native to Europe, Asia, Africa, and southeastern Australia. It grows to 5–50 cm tall,with opposite leaves. The fruit of Bugleweed is a nut. The plant grows on very moist soils, often the roots can be in the water. For several centuries, Bugleweed has been used for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition:

The plant has curative qualities due to its most valuable chemical composition, which combines the most important substances for the human body. The plant contains: resin, essential oil, a large amount of tannins, glycosides, lithospermic acid, phenolic acid, carboxylic acid, vanillic acid, citric and malic acids, ursulic acid, steroids, sponins, choline, carotene, alkaloids, coumarins, pellargonine, stachyose and flavonoids, vitamins – C and E. In combination, these chemical constituents have a very beneficial effect on the body, relieve many diseases, accelerate recovery after drug treatment.

Medicinal properties:

Herbalists use Bugleweed as a remedy for cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, urine retention and kidney problems. With the timely use of Bugleweed infusions, broths and teas, a person can overcome many serious diseases at early stages, prevent their development. This plant is prescribed with diarrhea, fever and bleeding. The expressed antipyretic effect allows to use the plant in a flu and for the general strengthening of an organism. Medicinal herbs treats bronchitis, quickly removing cough.

A beneficial effect of plants on the body in cases of thyroid disease is now scientifically proven, and doctors often use Bugleweed as an additional remedy. In Europe, the herb is even indicated for use in the increased function of the thyroid gland. For the same purpose, it is often used in homeopathy. The plant inhibits the production of excessive homins in the body. This plant is also used in cardiac neuroses associated with thyroid disorders. In most cases, patients experience significant positive changes in their well-being after only a couple of weeks of using the herb. As a rule, the plant removes excessive sweating, increased heart rate, decreased anxiety, increases efficiency and mood. Many patients report the cessation of tremors in the limbs. The plant is consumed at least two and a half months. Bugleweed can prevent increased activity of the thyroid gland in people who are prone to the disease. Usually the result of Bugleweed application exceeds the indices of treatment with classical medications.

Also, the plant has a positive effect in diseases associated with general intoxication of the body and accompanied by fever and a load on the thyroid gland. Bugleweed also treats tuberculosis, malaria, severe forms of influenza and ARVI.

Bugleweed eliminates the unpleasant and painful sensations in the intestines and stomach associated with the inflammatory process. As a diuretic, the herb helps to eliminate edema of various origins.

The plant is also effective as a remedy for problems with the nervous system. It helps quickly and effectively cope with insomnia, excessive nervous excitability, anxiety and the initial stage of hysteria.

The plant purifies blood after exposure to strong chemical drugs and anesthesia.

Bugleweed successfully helps women normalize the menstrual cycle and prevent the development of mastopathy.

Contraindications and adverse reactions:

With proper use, Bugleweed does not have any side effects, but has a number of contraindications:

  • low arterial pressure;
  • intolerance of one of the components of the plant;
  • diffuse goiter.

In addition, using Bugleweed is extremely undesirable for pregnant and lactating women and children under 14 years of age. They can use the plant only after a doctor’s consultation, who will individually determine the dosage and duration of treatment.

You should not increase the duration of treatment or dosage on your own. This can lead to very unpleasant health consequences, such as irritation of the pancreas and even diabetes. With proper use of Bugleweed, you will have no side effects, but only benefits.

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