General Information
Medical Name: Bayberry
Common Names: Golden Withy, Honeywort, Berry Heather.
Bayberry is an erect dioecious branched shrub with the height of 60-100 cm. Flowers are small, tubular, about 3 cm long having a two-color dark purple with a light yellow color. In flowering period, new brushes are formed new shoots all the time, so the plant looks decorative for a long time. Bayberry has a strong spicy smell. Fruit is stone fruit. It blossoms in spring before leaves appearance.
Bayberry Chemical Composition:
The chemical composition is not sufficiently studied. It is known that the plant contains:
- tar;
- tannins;
- essential oil;
- starch;
- gum;
- palmitic acid;
- muriatic acid;
- lauric acid;
- phytoncides.
The pharmacological properties of Bayberry are determined by its chemical composition.
The leaves have diuretic, astringent, antiseptic, blood-cleansing, hypnotics, antihelminthic and insecticidal properties, as well as ability to dissolve thick sputum during inflammation of respiratory tract. It is used as an emetic, salivary, hemostatic remedy.
- worms;
- insomnia;
- diarrhea;
- coughing;
- various skin rashes.
It is applied in small doses with water making an infusion.
Bayberry is used as well for:
- jaundice;
- scrofula.
It is also used to treat long-healing wounds, poultices. Bayberry tincture is used for rinsings and injections with chronic inflammation of throat, uterine hemorrhage, etc. It is also an excellent means for uterine hemorrhages.
Contraindications and Side Effects
Barberry is weakly toxicant. However, large doses of Bayberry cause intoxication and headache. In this case, it is necessary to lavage stomach with a water suspension of activated carbon, take a salt deuretic, and make high cleansing enemas. Further treatment is symptomatic. In high doses, Bayberry causes vomiting.
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