General Information
Barley grass is a plant that can be safely attributed to the most valuable products, which are of great benefit to a person. Its grains contain the most complete natural vitamin-mineral complex, which is substantially inferior to chemical analogs.
In barley, there contain:
- proteins;
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- manganese;
- zinc;
- potassium and calcium;
- chrome;
- strontium;
- cobalt;
- bromine;
- iodine;
- magnesium;
- molybdenum;
- nickel;
- silicon;
- copper;
- active enzymes;
- B vitamins;
- vitamin A, PP, E and D.
Barley Grass is applied in treatment of:
- dysbiosis and constipation;
- diabetes;
- respiratory organs: tuberculosis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, angina, bronchitis;
- diseases of gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, colitis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis;
- inflammatory diseases of bile duct and liver, as well as with cirrhosis;
- urinary bladder and kidney diseases;
- skin diseases: herpes, fungus, furunculosis, acne, urticaria, diathesis, seborrhea, psoriasis, eczema;
- diseases of blood vessels and heart: tachycardia, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins.
Additional and Alternative Barley Grass Application:
- Barley Grass cleans body from cholesterol, toxins, and also has a general strengthening and immunostimulating effect.
- Barley Grass is recommended to use in nursing to improve breastfeeding and to strengthen cartilage and bone tissue.
- Barley Grass broth can be used as an antipyretic, to reduce acidity of stomach and get rid of dry cough.
- Barley Grass is useful to preserve youth. It slows down aging, prevents appearance of premature wrinkles, keeps skin supple and elastic.
Contraindications to Use of Barley Grass:
Barley Grass is allowed for absolutely every person, the only exception is people who have signs of glycine enteropathy. Sprouted barley grass in some cases causes increased gas formation, and therefore its use in food is not recommended for people suffering from flatulence, and also contraindicated in diseases of gastrointestinal tract in acute stage. In addition, one should not eat the sprouted grains of Barley Grass at night. During treatment with Barley Grass decoctions, you should refrain from eating eggwhite. Barley Grass water should not be consumed with honey or vinegar.
Posted by RxMed