Mylanta (Aluminum Hydroxide – Magnesium Hydroxide Compound)

MYLANTA™ Preparations

Warner-Lambert Consumer Healthcare

Aluminum Hydroxide – Magnesium Hydroxide Compound

Antacid – Antiflatulent

Indications And Clinical Uses: The treatment and relief of symptoms of peptic ulcer, gastritis, hiatus hernia, hyperacidity, and the management of gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by excessive gas or flatus.

Contra-Indications: Alkalosis, hypermagnesemia, where distention may be due to partial or complete intestinal obstruction. Not recommended for severely debilitated patients or those with impaired renal function.

Precautions: Do not take maximum dose for more than 2 weeks unless recommended by physician. Since magnesium salts may cause CNS depression, Mylanta preparations should be given with caution to patients with any degree of renal insufficiency. Aluminum hydroxide, may, by reacting with phosphates to form insoluble aluminum phosphate, cause phosphorus deficiency in those patients whose diet is low in phosphorus.

Antacids can interfere with the absorption of iron preparations, tetracyclines or other antibiotics.

Should not be taken within 2 hours of another medication because the effectiveness of the other medication may be altered.

Dosage And Administration:

  • Mylanta Regular Strength: Liquid: 10 to 20 mL, 4 times a day between meals and at bedtime.
  • Tablets: 2 to 4 tablets, 4 times a day between meals and at bedtime. Tablets should be chewed well.
  • Mylanta Double Strength: Take 2 to 4 tablets, 4 times a day between meals and at bedtime. Chew well.
  • Mylanta Double Strength Plain: 5 to 10 mL 4 times a day between meals and at bedtime.

Mylanta Extra Strength: 5 to 10 mL, 4 times daily between meals and at bedtime. May be taken with milk or water.

Availability And Storage: Mylanta Regular Strength: Liquid: Each 5 mL of sugar-free, lemon- and mint-flavored suspension contains: dried aluminum hydroxide gel 200 mg (equivalent to 153 mg aluminum hydroxide), magnesium hydroxide 200 mg and simethicone 20 mg. Nonmedicinal ingredients: carbomer, citric acid, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, flavors, parabens, sorbitol and water. Energy: 10.1 kJ (2.42 kcal)/5 mL. Sodium:
Tablets: Each white, lemon- and mint-flavored chewable tablet contains: dried aluminum hydroxide gel 200 mg (equivalent to 153 mg aluminum hydroxide), magnesium hydroxide 200 mg and simethicone 20 mg. Nonmedicinal ingredients: lemon flavor, magnesium stearate, mannitol, sorbitol, spearmint oil and sugar. Energy: 11.6 kJ (2.78 kcal). Sodium:
Mylanta Double Strength: Each tablet contains: dried aluminum hydroxide gel 400 mg (equivalent to 306 mg aluminum hydroxide), magnesium hydroxide 400 mg and simethicone 30 mg. Nonmedicinal ingredients: lemon flavor, magnesium stearate, sorbitol, spearmint oil and sugar. Energy: 14.0 kJ (3.35 kcal). Sodium:
Mylanta Double Strength Plain: Each 5 mL of sugar-free, lemon- and mint-flavored suspension contains: dried aluminum hydroxide gel 400 mg (equivalent to 306 mg aluminum hydroxide) and magnesium hydroxide 400 mg. Nonmedicinal ingredients: citric acid, flavors, parabens, sorbitol and water. Energy: 11.2 kJ (2.68 kcal)/5 mL. Sodium:
Mylanta Extra Strength: Each 5 mL of sugar-free, lemon- and mint-flavored suspension contains: dried aluminum hydroxide gel 650 mg (equivalent to 497 mg aluminum hydroxide), magnesium hydroxide 350 mg and simethicone 30 mg. Nonmedicinal ingredients: calcium cyclamate, citric acid, flavors, parabens, sorbitol and water. Energy: 6.1 kJ (1.45 kcal)/5 mL. Sodium:

MYLANTA™ Preparations Warner-Lambert Consumer Healthcare Aluminum Hydroxide – Magnesium Hydroxide Compound Antacid – Antiflatulent

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